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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Swansea City - Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me

Even though Swansea City’s form has not been great, it still came as something of a surprise when manager Garry Monk was sacked this month, not least because the customary smooth succession to a capable replacement seems to have foundered. There have reportedly been talks with former Argentina and Chile coach Marcelo Bielsa, but coach Alan Curtis remains in charge for the time being.

With the Swans hovering close to the relegation zone, this feels like it might be the first genuine setback since the club’s steady recovery from near insolvency, when their financial difficulties inevitably spilled onto the pitch and they only avoided demotion to the Conference in 2003 by the skin of their teeth.

Since those trying times Swansea have become somewhat of a model club, surging up the leagues until they secured promotion to the Premier League in 2011. They are owned by a consortium of local businessmen and fans with a 21% share being held by the Supporters’ Trust. Furthermore, they have moved from the ramshackle, run-down Vetch Field to a spanking new stadium.

"Williams, it was really nothing"

People noted this success and started to talk of the “Swansea Way”, partly due to the way that the club has been run, but also referring to an attractive, passing style of play. They have been prudent, spending their funds wisely, as they are acutely aware of the problems off the pitch in their recent past.

The approach was summarised by chairman Huw Jenkins thus: “We don’t have dramatic changes. We make sure managers are comfortable and take on board our philosophy and stick to it. We run a common sense business and when clubs change their playing squads to suit a new manager, it seems completely wrong to us.”

The fruits of their labour have been clear for all to see, as Swansea won the Capital One Cup in 2012/13, thus qualifying for the Europa League. There was a series of encouraging mid-table finishes, culminating in what Jenkins described as “the best season in the club’s history” in 2014/15, as Swansea registered their highest Premier League finish of 8th (the second best of all time in the top flight) with their highest ever total of 56 points.

"Don't bet against the Fed"

However, things can quickly change and there has been a marked dip this season following an indifferent summer recruitment campaign. Portuguese international Eder has been ineffective, while French defender Franck Tabanou has been virtually non-existent and the new strike force of Andre Ayew and Bafetimbi Gomis has mainly flattered to deceive.

This led to Monk’s departure with the club clearly worried about the implications of dropping down to the Championship. As Jenkins explained, “With the recent uncertainty surrounding the club, the decision has been made in the best interests of Swansea City and its supporters.”

The riches available in the Premier League can be seen in Swansea’s accounts for the 2014/15 season, as the club broke through the £100 million revenue barrier for the first time. Despite this feat, profit after tax was £0.6 million lower at £1.1 million, though profit before tax actually rose £0.4 million to £1.7 million, as the latest accounts had a tax charge of £0.6 million, while the previous year benefited from a £0.4 million tax credit.

Importantly, Swansea changed their financial year-end from May to July in order to be more aligned to the football season, so the 2014/15 accounts cover 14 months. This means that costs are a fair bit higher than a normal year, as these are incurred over the whole period, while revenue is only slightly higher, as there is no additional match day or broadcasting income in June and July.

This helped contribute to wages increasing by £19 million (31%) to £83 million and other expenses rising £6 million (51%) to £19 million. Player amortisation and depreciation were also £2 million higher, though player impairment was reduced by £4 million.

Revenue rose by £5 million (5%), largely due to broadcasting income increasing by £4.5 million (6%) to £85 million, but there was also growth in commercial income, up £1.7 million (21%) to £10 million, and player loans, up £0.5 million to £1 million. On the other hand, match income was down £1.5 million (16%) to £7.7 million, mainly due to the lack of Europa League games.

All this meant that Swansea’s operating profit fell £18 million, though this was offset by the £19 million increase in profits from player sales, mainly due to Wilfried Bony’s transfer to Manchester City.

The expenses growth reflected the cost of playing in “the best league in the world”, as Swansea’s finance director Don Keefe observed, “These latest financial results continue to reveal the club’s desire to maintain investment to improve performance standards and, in particular, to compete successfully in the Premier League.”

Given the cost impact of a 14-month accounting period, making any sort of profit is not to be sniffed at, though it has become less of a rarity in the Premier League these days. In fact, no fewer than 15 of the 20 clubs in the top flight made money in 2013/14 (the last season for which all clubs have published their accounts).

Swansea’s achievement is even more impressive if you consider that half of the eight Premier League clubs to have published their 2014/15 results have reported worse figures, namely Everton, Manchester United, Southampton and West Ham. This is fairly typical in the years when there is not a new TV deal, as there is relatively little revenue growth, while wages keeps going up.

Nevertheless, Swansea’s annual profits in the last couple of years are among the lowest in the Premier League. For example, in the prior season their profit of £1 million was way behind Tottenham Hotspur £80 million, Manchester United £41 million, Southampton £29 million and Everton £28 million.

To an extent, this merely highlights the major impact that once-off player sales can have on a football club’s profitability. To reinforce this point, in 2014/15 Southampton made £44 million from player sales, mainly due to the transfers of Adam Lallana and Dejan Lovren to Liverpool plus Calum Chambers to Arsenal, while the previous season saw Tottenham Hotspur make an amazing £104 million (largely from the mega sale of Gareth Bale to Real Madrid) and Chelsea £65 million (David Luiz to Paris Saint-Germain).

In stark contrast, Swansea were the fourth worst in the Premier League at making money from this activity in 2013/14, generating just £5k. Fortunately, this significantly improved in 2014/15, when they made £19 million from player sales. Most of this was from Bony’s record move to City, but there were also gains from the sales of Michel Vorm to Tottenham and Chico Flores to Lekhwiya in Qatar.

Swansea’s focus on the bottom line is evidenced by them being consistently profitable over the last four seasons, making a total of £41 million profits before tax since promotion to the Premier League. Most impressively, Swansea had profits of £17 million and £21 million in 2012 and 2013 respectively. Indeed the latter profit was the highest achieved in the top tier that particular season.

The last time that Swansea made a loss was £11 million in 2011, which could ironically be considered as the price of success, because promotion triggered hefty bonus payments to the players and management staff plus additional transfer fees.

As we have seen, when football clubs make large profits it is often down to major player sales. This was certainly the case for Swansea in 2013, when the £21 million profit was essentially due to transfers, mainly Joe Allen to Liverpool, Scott Sinclair to Manchester City and Danny Graham to Sunderland.

Very little will come Swansea’s way from player sales in 2015/16, unless they make sales in the January window, as they have only earned around half a million to date from Jazz Richards’ transfer to Fulham.

Profits can also be boosted by other exceptional items. In Swansea’s case, they have made £7 million in compensation fees for management “transfers” in the last few years: £5 million from Liverpool in 2012 for Brendan Rodgers and his staff; £2 million from Wigan Athletic for Roberto Martinez in 2010. In contrast, next year’s books will have to absorb a £3 million severance payment to Monk.

As transfers can have such a major impact on reported profits, it is worth exploring how football clubs account for these deals. Even though this is fairly technical, the fundamental point is that when a club purchases a player the costs are spread over a few years, but any profit made from selling players is immediately booked to the accounts.

So, when a club buys a player, it does not show the full transfer fee in the accounts in that year, but writes-down the cost (evenly) over the length of the player’s contract. Therefore, if Swansea were to spend £15 million on a new player with a 5-year contract, the annual expense would be only £3 million (£15 million divided by 5 years) in player amortisation (on top of wages).

However, when that player is sold, the club will straight away report the profit, which is basically the sales proceeds less any remaining value in the accounts. In our example, if the player were to be sold 3 years later for £18 million, the cash profit would be £3 million (£18 million less £15 million), but the accounting profit would be much higher at £12 million, as the club would have already booked £9 million of amortisation (3 years at £3 million).

Notwithstanding the accounting treatment, essentially the more that a club spends, the higher its player amortisation. Thus, Swansea’s player amortisation has shot up from just £1 million in 2011 to an £18 million peak in 2015, reflecting the years of higher spending in the transfer market since promotion to the Premier League.

However, Swansea’s financial results have also been influenced by the £7 million of impairment charges they have booked since 2011, most notably £4.7 million in 2014. This happens when the directors assess a player’s achievable sales price as less than the value in the accounts.

Going back to our example, if the player’s value were assessed as £4 million after 3 years instead of the £6 million in the accounts, then they would book an impairment charge of £2 million. Impairment could thus be considered as accelerated player amortisation. It also has the effect of reducing the annual player amortisation going forward.

In any case, Swansea’s player amortisation is still one of the lowest in the Premier League and is obviously miles behind the really big spenders like Manchester United (£100 million), Chelsea (£72 million) and Manchester City (£70 million).

Despite the use of impairment charges, the higher spending means that player values on the balance sheet have increased from just £3 million in 2011 to £50 million in 2015. Moreover, this accounting treatment actually understates the value of Swansea’s squad, as it does not fully reflect the real market value of its players.

Given all the accounting complexities arising from player trading, clubs often looks at EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxation, Depreciation and Amortisation). Admittedly, this is a horrible acronym, but it simply shows how profitable a club is from its core business.

On the face of it, the steep decline in Swansea’s EBITDA from £23 million to £3 million in 2015 should be a little concerning, but this is partly due to the 14 month accounting period last year, which includes more costs. In reality, EBITDA has been solidly positive at Swansea since promotion with last year’s increase driven by the new TV deal in 2014.

That said, this also outlines the challenge for clubs like Swansea, as the EBITDA is significantly higher at the leading clubs, even though they have much larger wage bills: Manchester United £120 million, Manchester City £83 million, Arsenal £64 million, Liverpool £53 million and Chelsea £51 million.

Swansea’s massive revenue growth from £12 million in 2011 to £103 million in 2015 has been very largely due to the club’s elevation to the top flight, which the accounts noted, “amply demonstrates the rewards of gaining promotion.”

In effect, there have been two revenue uplifts: first, from £12 million to £65 million in 2012, which highlights the enormous disparity in TV money between England’s top two leagues; second, the increase from £67 million to £99 million in 2014, thanks to the new TV deal commencing that season.

In fact, virtually all of the £39 million revenue growth since the first season back in the top flight is from TV (£36 million), even though commercial income has nearly doubled from £5.2 million to £10.0 million and match income is up a third from £5.8 million to £7.7 million.

Swansea’s achievement in finishing 8th in the Premier League is really put into perspective when you compare their revenue to other clubs: in 2013/14 their revenue of £99 million was only the 13th highest in the top tier.

It should be a similar story in 2014/15, as their revenue growth of £5 million is in line with many of the clubs that have reported to date (Southampton £8 million, West Ham £6 million, Manchester City £5 million and Everton £5 million), though Arsenal’s new commercial deals resulted in a hefty £31 million increase.

Either way, the fact remains that their revenue of £103 million is overshadowed by the elite clubs. At the top of the pile, Manchester United’s revenue of £395 million (reduced in 2014/15, due to not qualifying for Europe) is around four times as much as Swansea, while significant sums are also generated by Manchester City £352 million, Arsenal £329 million and Chelsea £320 million.

More encouragingly, Swansea now have the 29th highest revenue in the world, according to the Deloitte Money League, which allows them to pay higher wages than famous clubs such as Ajax and Lazio. They are within striking distance of European thoroughbreds such as Hamburg £101 million, Benfica £105 million, Roma £107 million and Marseille £109 million.

The problem is that these additional riches do not help Swansea much domestically, as there are no fewer than 14 Premier League clubs in the world’s top 30 clubs by revenue (and all of them are in the top 40).

What is striking is that no club in that top 30 has a higher reliance on TV money than Swansea, where a staggering 82% of their total revenue comes from broadcasting. That leaves only 11% from commercial activities and just 7% from match day income.

Unsurprisingly, only Crystal Palace (also 82%) are more dependent on TV for their revenue, but in fairness the majority of Premier League clubs are also heavily reliant on this revenue stream. In fact, all but the top six clubs get at least 60% of their income from broadcasting.

In 2014/15 Swansea’s share of the Premier League TV money rose 9% from £74 million to £81 million. The distribution of these funds is based on a fairly equitable methodology with the top club (Chelsea) receiving £99 million, while the bottom club (QPR) got £65 million.

Most of the money is allocated equally to each club, which means 50% of the domestic rights (£22.0 million in 2014/15), 100% of the overseas rights (£27.8 million) and 100% of the commercial revenue (£4.4 million). However, merit payments (25% of domestic rights) are worth £1.2 million per place in the league table and facility fees (25% of domestic rights) depend on how many times each club is broadcast live.

In this way, Swansea were helped by their attractive style of football, as they were broadcast live 12 times, which was more than, say, Stoke City (9 times) and so was worth an additional £1.5 million (£10.3 million less £8.8 million). Each place in the league table is worth around £1.2 million, so Swansea’s 8th place merited £16.2 million, compared to receiving £11.1 million the previous season for coming 12th.

The blockbuster new TV deal starting in 2016/17 only reinforces the need to stay in the Premier League. My estimates suggest that Swansea would receive an additional £37 million under the new contract for finishing in the same position as 2014/15, increasing the total received to an incredible £117 million.

This is based on the contracted 70% increase in the domestic deal and an assumed 30% increase in the overseas deals (though this looks to be on the conservative side, given some of the deals announced to date). Of course, if they were to finish lower in the league table, they would earn a bit less.

Given the figures, it is obvious why Swansea are so scared of relegation and why they felt they had to sacrifice Monk. If they were to drop down, they would get around £38 million in the Championship, including a £35 million parachute payment and £2 million distribution from the Football League, compared to at least £92 million in the Premier League.

Of course, this would be considerably higher than those Championship clubs without parachute payments, who receive only £5 million, but it’s still a considerable reduction in revenue that would require major cuts in the wage bill, i.e. selling the club’s better players.

As the club’s accounts stated, “The major risk continues to be relegation from The Barclays Premier League and the adverse effect it would have on liquidity, operational activity and our ability to realise future plans.”

Swansea’s 2013/14 figures had been boosted by their Europa League adventures, but only to the tune of €4 million, even though they got out of their group, memorably defeating Valencia in the Mestalla Stadium, before being eliminated by Napoli in the last 32.

Match day revenue fell 16% (£1.5 million) from £9.2 million to £7.7 million, due to the lack of Europa League competition (six home games) in 2014/15. This revenue stream peaked at £9.9 million in the 2012/13 season, largely thanks to progress in the domestic cups, including three home matches in the run to Wembley for the Capital One Cup triumph against Bradford City.

Swansea’s match day income is significantly lower than many other Premier League clubs. At the other end of the spectrum, Manchester United and Arsenal earn around £100 million match day income or more than ten times as much as Swansea. Put another way, they earn more in three matches than Swansea do in an entire season.

In fairness, Swansea should be commended for their ticket pricing strategy, as they have not raised prices in the five years they have been in the Premier League. In fact, they cut season ticket prices by £10 for the 2015/16 season and have announced a price freeze for the 2016/17 season. According to the BBC’s Price of Football survey, Swansea have the second cheapest “most expensive” season tickets in the Premier League.

Vice-chairman Leigh Dineen explained the thinking: “We will continue to work hard on reducing the price of football for our supporters wherever and whenever we can. Our supporters will always remain the lifeblood of this club and the Board of Directors believe these season ticket prices remain exceptional value for money to watch quality football at the Liberty Stadium.”

Furthermore, the club also agreed to subsidise the price of tickets purchased through the Jack Army membership scheme for away fixtures, so that no adult would pay more than £22 for a game.

Swansea’s advancement through the leagues has been matched with increases in attendances, facilitated by the move to the Liberty Stadium in the summer of 2005. Last season’s average attendance of 20,555, slightly higher than the previous year, is more than 12,000 higher than the last season at the old Vetch.

However, this was still one of the lowest attendance in the Premier League, only ahead of Burnley and QPR in 2014/15. The problem is that the Liberty Stadium is too small to satisfy demand with around 98% of the capacity being sold and a lengthy waiting list for season tickets.

Therefore, the club has started negotiations with the local council to buy the Liberty, as it would not want to invest in a facility where it is only a tenant. It currently shares the stadium with rugby union side Ospreys on a 50-year lease.

Although planning permission has been granted for a stadium expansion to increase the capacity from just under 21,000 to 33,000, there is still much to agree with the local council before any development.

"I could be happy"

As finance director explained: “Any plans for an expansion of the East Stand at the Liberty Stadium cannot go ahead until we have negotiated a fair and equitable deal with the City and County of Swansea which is in the best interests of the club and not to the detriment of our available resources.”

The potential purchase price has been reported as £20-25 million, but the club would want a long-term payment schedule (over 15-20 years) to reduce their risk, especially if they were to be relegated.

Jenkins emphasised that any stadium expansion should not damage the playing squad, “so the club is not held back financially when it comes to the No. 1 priority of putting a team on the pitch and making sure we remain competitive in the Premier League.”

Commercial income was up an encouraging 21% (1.7 million) from £8.3 million to £10.0 million, but this was still one of the lowest in the Premier League, only above Crystal Palace and Hull City in 2013/14. To place this into context, the top five earners here are Manchester United £196 million, Manchester City £173 million, Chelsea £109 million, Liverpool £104 million and Arsenal £103 million. No wonder that Jenkins has admitted that the club is “miles behind” rivals commercially.

However, there are some signs of improvement, as the shirt sponsorship with Chinese financial services firm Goldenway (with their GWFX brand adorning the shirt) doubled from £2 million to £4 million a season when it was extended by two years until the end of the 2015/16 season – “the largest agreement in the club’s proud 102-year history”.

Similarly, the kit supplier deal originally signed with adidas in 2011 was extended in 2014. No financial details were divulged, but it is estimated to be worth £1.5 million per season.

The reported wage bill shot up 31% (£19 million) from £63 million to £83 million, thus increasing the wages to turnover ratio from 64% to 79%, but this is misleading, as the figures include 14 months of wages, while revenue is effectively only 12 months (match day and broadcasting are unchanged).

If we were to pro-rate the wage bill for 12 months, then it would be a more respectable £71 million with a wages to turnover ratio of 69%. That would still represent a 12% (£8 million) increase in wages, but that would be altogether more reasonable.

Even so, this would still be one of the highest wages to turnover ratios in the Premier League with only West Brom, Fulham and Sunderland reporting worse ratios (in the previous season). In fairness, Swansea have significantly improved from a horrific 149% in 2011 (though the wage bill was inflated that season by bonus payments linked to promotion).

Interestingly, the wages in Swansea’s first season back in the big time were amazingly low at £35 million – unsurprisingly the smallest wage bill in the Premier League in 2011/12.

Swansea’s wages, heavily based on performance-related contracts, are among the lowest in the top tier, though they have been steadily increasing, so in 2013/14 they had the 13th highest wage bill. This is partly due to the increase in staff numbers, e.g. football headcount rose from 167 to 222 in 2014/15.

Clearly, they still managed to over-achieve by finishing 8th last season, but Jenkins does not like to use that argument as an excuse: “We’ve never accepted that because of the money, we should be grateful and happy where we are. There is always the challenge to compete and you’ve got to find ways of doing that.”

That is more important than ever when you see how the wage bills of the mid-term clubs are converging around the £70 million level, e.g. West Ham £73 million, Southampton £72 million, Swansea £71 million, Stoke City £67 million.

It is only recently that Swansea’s directors started receiving payment for their efforts, but it is worth noting that the highest paid director (presumably Jenkins) earned £517k in 2014/15, down from £550k in 2013/14, though that included a £275k bonus for retention of Premier League status. Both payments are significantly up from the £250k earned in 2012/13.

The promotion effect can also be seen in the club’s activities in the transfer market. In the six seasons before promotion to the Premier League, there was hardly any gross spend, but this has now increased to average annual expenditure of around £16 million, including the signings of Wilfried Bony, Federico Fernandez, Ki Sung-Yeung, Pablo, Kyle Naughton, Jonjo Shelvey, Eder and Jefferson Montero.

However, even with this increase, Swansea are hardly recklessly extravagant, as big money sales have produced a very low net spend. Their approach was summarised in the accounts thus: “we will continue year on year to improve our playing squad, but in a sensible and cost effective manner.” It should therefore be no surprise that Swansea are among the lowest spenders in the Premier League.

In the last two years Swansea actually had net sales of £3 million, one of only two clubs with a surplus in the transfer market (Southampton being the other one). As might be expected, the spending league table is lead by Manchester City and Manchester United, but Swansea have also been comfortably outspent by the likes of Crystal Palace, Leicester City, Sunderland, Bournemouth and Watford.

Swansea have made their strategy very clear: “The secret is to balance spending to maintain and improve performance on the pitch so we remain in the Premier League, and spending on new projects considered important to the wellbeing of the club going forward.” It’s a tricky balance that has worked well for the club, though they might come to regret the lack of quality recruitment this summer if they don’t avoid the dreaded drop.

After three years of enjoying net funds (cash higher than debt), Swansea returned to a net debt position of £22 million in 2014/15, comprising gross debt of £25 million less £3 million cash. Gross debt comprised a £15 million overdraft, £8 million of other loans, £1 million owed to group undertakings plus £0.6 million of hire purchase contracts.

It should be noted that total creditors have been rising and increased £37 million in 2014/15 alone to a hefty £73 million. In addition, Swansea have contingent liabilities of £6 million (up from £3 million) for potential future transfer payments, dependent on player appearances and club success, and a possible £19 million of additional signing-on fees (significantly up from £2 million).

Although Swansea’s debt is still one of the smallest in the Premier League (with five clubs having debt above £100 million), this situation is one that will need careful monitoring following last season’s increase and potential future commitments.

To be fair, Swansea have been investing in the club infrastructure, specifically on new training bases at Fairwood (first team) and Landore (academy), including £3 million in 2014/15 and £6.9 million in 2013/14. This will be of long-term benefit to the club, but cash is tight, as noted by the finance director: “we recognise that we need further injection of funds before we can commit to any more significant capital investment programmes.”

This is highlighted by last season’s cash flow statement. Although Swansea generated £6 million from operating activities, further boosted by a new £8 million loan, they spent £24 million on players, £3 million capital expenditure and £1 million on dividends, thus requiring a £15 million overdraft.

Since promotion, Swansea have had £76 million of available funds, largely driven by £57 million cash from operating activities, supplemented by a £13 million increase in the overdraft plus a net £6 million increase in net loans. They have spent £53 million (70%) on bringing in new players and invested £18 million on infrastructure plus £4 million in dividends.

Interestingly, the player investment in the cash flow statement is a lot higher than the net spend reported in the press, which could be due to a number of reasons, such as the timing of stage/conditional payments for player sales or high agent and signing-on fees (not included in transfer figures).

There has been some noise about the dividends paid to Swansea’s directors, but most fans seem to think that this is fair reward for all their efforts in first saving and then running the club so well.

Swansea’s unique ownership structure, with 21% held by the Supporters Trust and a fan elected on the board, has been described by the Premier League’s chief executive, Richard Scudamore as “ideal”, but the need for outside investment is clear, especially when you compare their cash balance with their Premier League rivals: Swansea have less than £3 million, while 11 clubs have more than £20 million.

Indeed, last season they held discussions with American businessmen John Jay Moores and Charles Noell, the former owners of Major League baseball team the San Diego Padres, who were reportedly seeking to acquire an initial 30% stake (rising to 66% in a few years), but these came to nothing and they seem to have moved their interest to Everton.

"You're gonna hear me roar"

The club is keen to focus on developing its academy and is hopeful that its investments will help secure the Category One status. The good news is that the Premier League has already promoted Swansea’s U21 and U18 teams to the higher level this season, pending an audit of its facilities. As academy manager Nigel Rees said, “It means the boys will be competing against some of the very best players and teams at their age level. It’s all part of their development by creating a clear pathway towards the first team.”

Swansea’s recovery from near disaster at the turn of the Millennium is a fabulous story (“Jack to a King”), as a fading, provincial club climbed back up the leagues, all the time playing entertaining football and running the club in the right way.

However, football can be a harsh mistress, so no club can afford to rest on its laurels. To continue their impressive progress, Swansea will need to appoint the right man to manage the team in order to retain their Premier League status. There will be many hoping that they can do it.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Intergalactic Finance: Valuing the Star Wars Franchise

I saw the newest Star Wars movie last week and it brought back memories that stretch back almost four decades. Watching Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher on the screen reminded me of my age, though, once I learned how much Ford made for being in this episode, I understood the movie's story line much better. As I came out of the theater, though, I decided that it would be fun to update a valuation I did of the Star Wars franchise in 2012, when Disney acquired the rights from Lucas Films.

The Movies- Box Office Bonanza
If you are one of the few people on the face of the earth that has not followed the Star Wars story, it began in 1977 when George Lucas produced the first Star Wars movie, the fourth episode in what he saw as a six-episode series. That movie made history and remains one of the highest grossing movies of all time. It was followed in 1980 by the fifth episode, The Empire Strikes Back (my favorite), and in 1983 with the sixth in the series, The Return of the Jedi.  Those first three movies created an entire generation of Star Wars fans, who then had to wait 16 years for the first in the series, The Phantom Menace (my pick for the worst of the series), which was followed  by Attack of the Clones in 2002 and Revenge of the Sith in 2005. The six movies represent one of the most valuable movie franchises of all time, generating billions of dollars in box office receipts, with the appeal spreading globally.
The movies are shown in chronological order and the box receipts on the first three movies include the collections from their re-release in theaters in the 1990s.

The Add-Ons - Bigger than the Movies?
If you stopped just at box receipts, Star Wars might not be the most valuable franchise at all time, lagging the James Bond movies and perhaps even the Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings franchises. It is the magnitude of the add-ons to box receipts that make Star Wars unique and as someone who has partaken in all of them, I can attest to their power. I have owned the Star Wars tapes and DVDs, collected every Star Wars figure made, played Star Wars video games (very badly) and even used a GPS with a Yoda voice to drive from New York to Chicago (I love Yoda but he is a really bad navigator). The Star Wars empire stretches far and wide to include:
  1. VHS/DVD/Rentals: The additional revenue from this stream reflects as much the hold that Star Wars has had on our collective imaginations, as it does the changing of technologies for home video watching over the decades. Starting with video tapes (VHS) sales and rentals in the 1970s, morphing into DVD sales in the last decade and continuing into streaming in today's environment, this add-on has generated $7.7 billion (unadjusted for inflation) in revenues.
  2. Toys and Merchandise: This is the crown jewel of the franchise, as toy and merchandise sales have outstripped all other sources of revenue. The revenues from action figures sold by Kenner  (1978-1985) and Hasbro (1995-2011) amounted to almost $10 billion (unadjusted for inflation) and adding in other merchandise, the collective revenues from toys and merchandise over the history of the franchise is in excess of $12 billion. 
  3. Gaming: As with the video rentals, the Star Wars games track shifting technologies, starting with an unlicensed game for the Apple II on a cassette tape, followed by table-top game by Kenner and games for the Atari. Starting in 1992, the games shifted away from the films to the expanded Star Wars universe, first with the X-wing computer games and later with Dark Forces, a shooter game. In 2013, Disney revealed that Electronic Arts would retain the rights to produce games for PCs and consoles, while Disney would retain the rights for other platforms. The collective revenues from all of these games between 1977 and 2015 is $3.4 billion.
  4. Books: There have been almost 360 books, with 76 authors, in the Star Wars series and total sales have amounted to more than $1.8 billion. The staying power of the franchise is backed up by the fact that the first books were in print in 1978 and that there have been at least ten Star Wars novels a year, every year from 1991 to 2014.
  5. TV Series/Other: Given its success on so many dimensions, it is surprising that the Star Wars franchise has not spawned a higher profile TV series. The longest lived TV series, Clone Wars, has had seven seasons and a second one, Star War Rebels, produced by Disney, has had two seasons. There have been periodic rumors about other TV series in the works, with the latest one suggesting that Netflix is planning three live-action series
The collective revenues from these add-ons make the Star Wars revenue pie much larger than any competing movie franchise:

Note that the movie revenues in the table are not adjusted to 2015 $, since the revenues from the add-ons are not available in current dollars. In the table below, I scale the revenues from each of the add -ons to the box office receipts to get a measure of the value added from the rest of the Star Wars ecosystem:

In effect, for every dollar that Star Wars has made at the box office, it has generated four dollars in revenues from other sources. That number is a conservative estimate, since there have been undoubtedly others who have profited from the franchise unofficially (and illegally).

The New Series: Disney takes over
In 2012, Disney acquired the Star Wars franchise for $4 billion, from George Lucas, with plans to produce three more Star Wars movies. At the time of the acquisition, I argued that it was a fair price, given Disney's history with developing, maintaining and merchandising franchises, but had to draw on the potential for synergy to justify the number. With the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens just about ten days ago, Disney seems to be more than delivering on its promise, as the movie has broken box office records and is on its way to delivering a global box office of $2 billion or more.

To the extent that this movie, like its predecessors, will generate add-on revenues, there will be substantially more money to be made over the next few years. The next two movies are scheduled for 2017 and 2019, and there will be three spin offs in the intermediate years, with less ambitious budgets. After 2020, Disney's plans are not specific, but if the appetite remains, there will be undoubtedly more movies in the pipeline. More importantly, the movies will not only create a new base of younger fans but augment the sales of merchandise, toys and games in the coming decade. The revenues that would have come from DVDs and video rentals will be replaced with streaming revenues and there will undoubtedly be games and apps directed at smartphones, devices and gaming systems. 

Valuing the Franchise
To value the franchise, I started with my estimates of worldwide box office receipts for Star Wars: The Force Awakens and the subsequent movies in the series. Though, the first two weekends have blown away expectations (with the movie making $1 billion), I will estimate $2 billion in revenues, for each of the three main movies, and half those proceeds for the spin offs, with an inflation adjustment of 2%.

As with the prior movies, the bulk of the revenues from the franchise will come from add-ons, and in assessing the potential, here are some of my assumptions:
  1. Streaming: As viewers increasingly turn to watching streamed movies from services (Netflix, Amazon Prime) on their televisions and devices, the revenues from streaming are quickly catching up with box office receipts for movies, and by 2017, the total revenues from streaming are expected to exceed box office revenues. I will assume that each dollar in box office revenues from the new Star Wars movies will generate $1.20 in additional revenue in streaming, slightly higher than historical numbers (1.14).
  2. Toys/Merchandise: The Star Wars movies have historically generated $1.80 in revenues from toys/merchandise for every dollar in box office revenues. Given Disney's prowess at merchandising, I would not be surprised to see this number go up, and I will assume that each dollar at the box office will translate into two dollars in merchandising revenues, a little higher than the historical value of $1.80 per box office dollar. Keep in mind that this franchise is a merchandisers' dream, with an almost endless potential for new opportunities in the Expanded Universe.
  3. Books and eBooks: This is the stream that is perhaps most at risk, and I will assume that while a way will be found to adapt the publishing stream to changing tastes in reading, the revenues from this books/e-books will drop to $0.20 per box office dollar (from $0.27, the historical number).
  4. Gaming: In keeping with the history of Star War games, I am convinced that that games will be adapted not only to gaming platforms (Xbox, Playstation and Nintendo) but also to smartphones and tablets. I will leave the gaming revenues at $0.50 per dollar in box office receipts.
  5. TV Shows/Other: This is the one add-on where I will assume a significant improvement over historical numbers, as Disney, Netflix and others find ways to adapt the franchise to television viewers. I will assume that the revenues from TV shows will increase to $0.50 per dollar in box office receipts.
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To estimate the franchise value, I used the operating margins of the movie (20.14%) and toy/merchandise businesses (15%) and netted out taxes (at a 30% tax rate), before discounting back at a 7.61% cost of capital, the entertainment sector average. (Disney will probably license most of the merchandise, passing of the risk to others, but settling for a share of the operating income.) At least based on my projections, the value of the Star Wars franchise, if it can maintain my estimated numbers (for add-ons) and deliver at the box office, is almost $10 billion. The value is obviously a function of movie revenues and the add-on dollar values:

Not only does that make Disney's $4 billion investment three years ago a very good one, but any synergies that Disney can gain in its other businesses (like this one) will create more upside. As always, you are welcome to make your own assumptions and revalue the franchise, using this spreadsheet.

An Acquisition Model that works?
I am not a fan of acquisition-driven growth, primarily because the process so often leads to over paying for growth, but Disney may have found an acquisition model (albeit a limited one) that works with its Star Wars and Marvel acquisitions. In both cases, the company bought established movie franchises and has used its merchandising machine to generate value. Those results have already borne fruit with Marvel, especially with the Avenger movies, and we may be be seeing the beginnings of the Star Wars dividends this week. 

During the week, while I was in the city (New York), I saw at least three Stormtroopers and a Darth Vader on Times Square and every store that I went into had something related to Star Wars, on sale. If you are a Star Wars purist, appalled by the shameless merchandising of the movie, I am afraid that you ain't seen nothing yet. If you are a Star Wars collector, and think that you have the entire collection already (for you or your kids), here is something for you to ponder. If you are a Disney stockholder like me,  may the force be with you!

YouTube Video

  1. Star Wars: Valuing the Franchise (Spreadsheet)
  2. Star Wars: Franchise Value Picture (jpg file)



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