Thursday, September 8, 2011

Interview : Alan Tan

Tell us a bit about your childhood and how it affects your today's practice on personal finance ?
I would say the my personal finance practice is mostly influence by after reading these 2 book i,e  Rich Dad Poor Dad  by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter and Millionaires are from a different Planet by Azizi Ali. It’s a must read book for those who want to take control of their financial life. Ever since, I continue my education via attend investment seminars
Answer this question without checking or asking for references : If you can remember, what is your Zodiac and Astrology signs ?
Pisces & Ox
What are the things you like to do during your free time, ie. your hobbies ? And what do you most dislike about ?
Reading & hiking
What is your favorite colors and numbers ? Any most dislikes ?
I don’t any much preference on this
What is your favorite food ? What do you hate most ?
I do love Spicy foods 
If you can meet a person dead or alive, who would that be ? What would you ask him ?
Abraham Lincoln. What’s your secret of not giving up and to be a great person?

What is the best and worst feeling you have ever had ?
Best feeling-Seeing my CPA Book at MPH Book stores and library. All these while I’ve been buying so many books until have a mini library at home, now others can read and learn what I shared. 
What is the last thing you do before go to sleep ?
Nothing in specify
What is the first thing you do when you wake up ?
Drink a glass of Apple cider juice

If you were to build a personal finance portfolio for a young man who has similar life path as yours, what will it be ?
First invest in yourself by reading books, attending seminar & networking. Seek out for a mentor or role model. Ask help if need to. Always remember that what works for others may not suit you. Even there’s a saying “One man's meat is another man's poison.”. Therefore  you must be able to adapt it in order to apply what you have learned. 
You met someone in a social party, describe what you do in 2 to 3 sentences.
I’m Helping business to close more deals
If you are not doing what you are doing now, what would you be doing ?
Working for others
How much time do you spend on your personal finance blog ?
Average 6 hours a week
What is the main objective of your blog, is it initially profit oriented and who are your targeted blog readers ?
I like to learn about Investing, Making money and personal finance. In another words it’s my passion as well. Every time when I visit a book stores, the first section to be visited is on Finance/Investment. 
The main objective of my blog is to share about what I have learned, share and educate other about importance of personal finance. All this thing is sadly not taught at school even it’s very important in life.
My targeted blog readers are those who share similar interest like me and who is new in personal finance
What is the biggest achievement your blog so far ?
I’m the first Malaysian best selling author that wrote a Wordpress blogging book that teaches people how to blog and make money online in Malaysia. This book expected to hit the bookstores early 2012 . 
Instead of just making friends on Facebook or watching videos on YouTube, wouldn't it be better to spend that time generating online income for yourself, your love ones and your family?
Tell us one URL other than your own that your readers should read about ? It has a lot of useful information about  personal finance and investment. It also has an interest guest post
How many more years do you think your blog will exist for and how do you plan to finance your blog forever if planned to at all ?
As long as my passion don’t die off. 
Even I don’t have to update my blog so often, it still get constant SEO traffic(from search engine esp Google) daily. Average about 1,000 unique blog visitors daily
The world is big, many people have different point of views and emotions. If you met someone who called you geek, liar, cheaters because you yourself didn't do what you preach, how would you handle them ? 
We can’t control what other want to say. I don’t think can do much. 
What do you think about these interview questions and how this interview session can be improved ? 
Would you be interested to meet other finance bloggers in person ? 
If yes
Do you smoke ? - no
Do you drink liquor socially ? -yes
Are you a coffee lover ? - no
Where do you stay and work ? ( Country, State, Region etc.)- Kuala Lumpur



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