There are many factors that can explain how and why ride sharing so quickly and decisively disrupted the taxi cab business, but the latter was ripe for the taking for may reasons. First, the taxi business in the 2009 had changed little in decades, refusing to incorporate advance in technology and shifting tastes, secure that it did not have to adapt, because it had a captive market. Second, in most cities, rules and regulations that were throwbacks in time or lobbied for by special interests handicapped taxi operators and gave ride sharing companies, not bound by the same rules, a decisive advantage. Third, automobiles are underutilized resources for the most part, since most cars sit idle for much of the day, and ride sharing companies took advantage of excess capacity, by letting car owners monetize it. Finally, individuals often under price their time and do not factor in long term costs in their decision making and the ride sharing companies have exploited that irrationality. I think that the MIT study in February 2018 that showed absurdly low hourly wages (less than $4/hour) for Uber and Lyft drivers was flawed, but I also don't buy into the rosy picture that the ride sharing companies paint about the income potential in driving.
The Story
Reviewing Lyft's (very long) prospectus, I was struck by the repetition of the mantra that it saw its future as a "US transportation" company, suggesting that the focus will remain primarily domestic and focused on transportation. While the cynical part of me argues that Lyft's use of the word "transportation" is intended to draw attention to the size of that market, which is $1.2 trillion, Lyft's history backs up their "focused" story. While I am normally leery of management stories for companies, I will adopt Lyft's story with a few changes:
- It will stay a US transportation services company: The total market that I assume for US transportation services is $120 billion at the moment, well over two and a half times larger than the taxi cab market was in 2009. That is, of course, well below the size of the transportation market, but the $1.2 trillion that Lyft provides for that market includes what people spend on acquiring cars and does not reflect that they would pay for just transportation services.
- In a growing transportation services market: One of the striking features of the ride sharing revolution is how much it has changed consumer behavior, drawing people who would normally never have used car service into its reach. I will assume that ride sharing will continue to draw new customers, from mass transit users to self-drivers, causing the transportations services market to double over the next ten years.
- With strong market-wide networking benefits: In 2014, when I first valued Uber, I argued that ride sharing companies would have local, but not market-wide, networking benefits. In effect, I saw a market where six, eight or even ten ride sharing companies could co-exist, each dominating different local markets. Observing how quickly the ride sharing companies have consolidated, over the last few years, I think that I was wrong and that the networking effects are likely to be market-wide. Ultimately, I see only two or three ride sharing companies dominating the US ride sharing market, in steady state. In my story, I see Lyft as one of the winners, with a 40% market share of the US transportation services market.
- A sustained share of Gross Billings: The concentration of the market among two or three ride sharing companies will also give them the power to hold the line on the percentage of gross billings. That percentage, which was (arbitrarily) set at 20% of gross billings, when the ride sharing companies came into being, has morphed and changed with the advent of pooled rides and how the gross billing number is computed. Lyft, for instance, in 2018, reported revenues of $2,156 million on gross billings of $8.054 million, working out to a 26.77% share. I will assume that as Lyft continues to grow and offers new services, this number will revert back to 20%.
- And a shift to drivers as employees: Since their inception, the ride sharing companies have been able to maintain the facade that their drivers are independent contractors, not employees, thus providing the company legal cover, when drivers were found to be at fault of everything from driving infractions to serious crimes, as well as shelter from the expenses that the would ensue if drivers were treated as employees. As the number who work for ride sharing companies rises into the millions, states are already starting to push back, and in my view, it is only a matter of time before ride sharing companies are forced to deal with drivers as employees, causing operating margins in steady state to drop to 15%.
The Valuation
The story that I have for Lyft already provides the bulk of the inputs that I need to value the company. To complete the valuation, I add four more inputs related to the company:
- Cost of capital: Rather than try to break down cost of capital into its constituent parts for a company that is transitioning to being a public company, I will take a short cut and give Lyft the cost of capital of 9.97%, at the 75th percentile of all US companies at the start of 2019, reflecting its status as a young, money-losing company. I will assume that this cost of capital will drift down towards the median of 8.24% for all US companies as Lyft becomes larger and profitable.
- Sales to capital: While Lyft will continue to operating with a low capital-intensity model, its need for reinvestment will increase, to build competitive barriers to entry and to preserve market dominance. If autonomous cars become part of the ride sharing landscape, these investment needs will become greater, I will assume revenues of $2.50 for every dollar of capital invested, in keeping with what you would expect from a technology company.
- Failure rate: Given that Lyft continues to lose money, with no clear pathway to generating profits, and that it will remain dependent on external capital providers to stay a going concern, I will assume that there is a 10% chance that Lyft will not survive as a going concern.
- Share Count: Lyft posits that it will have 240.6 million shares outstanding, including both the class A shares that will be offered to the public and the class B shares, with higher voting rights, that will be held by the founders. It also discloses that it did not include in the share count two share overhangs: (1) 6.8 million shares that are subject to option exercise, with a strike price of $4.68, and (2) 31.6 million restricted shares that had already been issued to employees, but have not vested yet. I will include both of these in shares outstanding, the options because they are so deep in the money that they are effectively outstanding shares and the restricted stock because I assume that the employees that have large numbers of RSUs will stay until vesting, to arrive at a total share count is 279.03 million.
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- The first is that it is the first ride sharing company to list, and the only pricing that we have for other ride sharing companies is from venture capital rounds that are sometimes dated (from the middle or early last year).
- The second is that every company in the ride sharing business is losing money and the book values have no substance (both because the companies are young and don't invest much in physical assets).
It is true that there is substantial noise in the VC pricing numbers and that the operating numbers for some of these companies are rumored or unofficial estimates. That said, desperation will drive investors to scale the VC pricing to one of these numbers with the gross billings, revenues and number of riders being the most likely choices. Uber has the highest pricing/rider and that the metric is lowest for the Asian companies, which have far more riders than their US counterparts; the revenue per rider, though, is also far lower in Asia than in the US. The companies all trade at high multiples of revenues and more moderate multiples of gross billings. In the table below, I have priced Lyft, using Uber's most recent pricing metrics as well as global averages, both simple and weighted:
Given the way the pricing game is structured, the pricing of the Lyft IPO is going to be watched closely by the rest of the ride sharing companies, since there will be a feedback effect. In fact, I think of pricing as a ladder, where if you move one rung of the ladder, all of the other rungs have to move as well. For instance, if investors price Lyft at $25 billion, about 12 times its revenue in 2018, Uber will be quicker to go public and will expect markets to attach a pricing in excess of $130 billion to it, given that its revenues were more than $11 billion in 2018. The Asian ride sharing companies, where rider numbers are high, relative to revenues, will try to market themselves on rider numbers, though it is not clear that investors will buy that pitch. Conversely, if investors price Lyft at only $12 billion, Uber may be tempted to wait to go public, and continue to tap into private investors, with the caveat being that those investors will also lower their pricing estimates. The pricing ladder can lead prices up, but they can also lead prices down, and timing is the name of the game.
The Waiting Game
It is still early and there is much that we still do not know. While some of the uncertainties will not be resolved in the near future, we will learn more specifics about the offering itself, including the amount that Lyft plans to raise on the offering day, over the next few weeks. Sometime soon, we will also get the a pricing of the company from the bankers that have been given the task of taking the company public, and I use the word "pricing" rather than "valuation" deliberately. The bankers' job is to price the company for the IPO, not value it. Not only should any talk of value from them be discounted, but if you do see a discounted cash flow valuation from a bank for Lyft, you can almost bet that it will be a Kabuki valuation, where they will go through the motions of estimating valuation inputs, when the ending number has been pre-decided.